Re-learning Composition

Composition is simple to understand, but not so easy to achieve the kind of results that make an image great.

So why do I need to re-learn. Well because having taken images for so long, like anything you can get into a rut, I often see an image within moments of entering a space or location, but with this comes complacency and assumption that you have it sorted and no need for further education.

It can be said that it is essential to get the composition right for an image to stack up, but, honestly, I  have seen so many images over the years that don’t work from a compositional standpoint but still work because of other great elements, light, drama, action, timing etc.

So what can I re-learn….. I  spent a long time thinking and one thing kept coming to mind and it is, intent or purpose.

Fine Art Photography

Being Purposeful

If you spend your time making art with real intent, having a purpose is absolutely key. If you head out looking to make a great image, have a true purpose.
Start by taking a moment to decide, why are you doing this, what is the point.
I often look at images and say to myself, why did they take this image? Why? what for, often it feels like ‘coz i felt like it’. Which is fine if it’s for pleasure and the pure enjoyment of it, but the purpose is where good can become great

More Photography thoughts

Wye Creek waterfall

Learning from great places

Learning is a wonderful thing and taking inspiration from others is a great place to start when you are trying to develop your talent.

Wye Creek waterfall

Learning from great places 2

Searching out other artists

You’ll probably know what I’m going to say, and you’re correct, lets have a look at stuff you do like, it’s the most obvious thing and has real value.

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